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Duties in the U.S.

There Must Be Some Presence

Entrepreneurs with a LLC or a Corporation must fulfill certain duties within the United States even if their business operates exclusively outside of the U.S. In every case, whether the U.S. company does business in the U.S. or in Germany, it must be verified that the company - whether it is formed as a LLC or as a Corporation - has a U.S. business address and a company contact in the U.S. - a Registered Agent. To comply, if the U.S.-founded company needs, ALTON can be their Registered Agent as well their U.S. business address.

Once a year the LLC is also required to prepare an Annual Report. If desired, ALTON can also assist its clients with this filing.  Requirements of a Corporation also include holding a Shareholders Meeting usually at least once a year.  Especially for a small company, this sounds more expensive than it actually is, and ALTON can also assist those with a Corporation to comply with such formalities. 

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"Mit ALTON haben wir für unsere Firmengründung in den USA einen kompetenten deutschsprachigen Partner gefunden, der uns stets mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stand. Wir bedanken uns für die schnelle Abwicklung, den erstklassigen Service und umfassende Betreuung und empfehlen den Service von Herr Karagoz und seinem Team wärmstens weiter."Mathias Bode (Sensotech)

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